Pokemon store is now selling life-size Gardevoir plushies which don’t look creepy at all

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Pokemon Center Online has started selling Gardevoir plushies. Life-sized Gardevoir plushies, mind. And the images are totally not creeping me out. Not at all.

Coming in at 49,500 yen (around £260 or $320) these plushies stand over five foot tall, though sadly they can’t stand on their own. Whether they’ll end up in our best Nintendo Switch gift guide, I’m not sure, but I’m at least glad they don’t stand up. If they did, I guarantee my housemates would leave them lurking around corners for me to come face-to-face with after a late night and I’d most certainly die from the shock.

Having been on the internet for… a while, I’m sure the rest of the Pokemon fandom will find some eccentric if a little disturbing uses for a life-sized Gardevoir plushie. As long as it doesn’t somehow sneak onto my Tumblr feed, this is fine (she says as fire blazes in the background).

Gardevoir life-size plushie standing awkwardly as someone drinks their coffee

(Image credit: Pokemon Company)

Of course, these arent the first life-sized Pokemon plushies we’ve seen. Lucario, Larvesta, Lucario, Arcanine and Spheal have all made it into the ranks of the life-size Pokemon army.

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