Very much matching the vibe of the season, Zine Quest has just dropped Fluff n’ Fury on Kickstarter, a “Cy_Bear Punk” tabletop RPG that sees players taking on the establishment as hyped-up, cybernetic teddies with a taste for CHAOS.
Oh, but these aren’t just cyberpunk teddies with a bloodlust, these are the remnants of humanity who uploaded their consciousness into their teddy.
There are more than 46,656 possible teddy combinations, with classes that include the Phantom, Tank, Pyro, and Hacker, and a range of exciting weapons all with their own dice manipulation mechanics “To keep combat exciting and chaotic. Like rolling 10 dice at once!!” Whether it’s enough to win a place on the best tabletop RPG list, only time will tell.
One thing about these teddies is that they always land a hit. You don’t roll to hit at all, just roll for damage and watch the carnage unfold. Only sixes deal damage, the rest are deflected, so you don’t have to worry about calculating your teddy’s armour class at all.
Leaning into the rules-light side of TRPGs, Fluff n’ Fury uses a D6 dice pool system that players roll, with the GM adding success-cancelling F* dice to the mix when players are met with super difficult situations. I’m not entirely sure what the F stands for in this case, but I’ll let you take a wild guess.
The ruleset contains several modules, meaning you can add or remove things like levelling up mechanics and defects depending on how deep you want to get into it. For a one shot you might decide less is more, for example.
One thing that looks really enticing to a gremlin GM such as myself is what the Kickstarter page calls “Game-Breaking Special Moves”. These are daily abilities that give the game that “WTF” factor. There’s one for every class, such as the Tank’s ability to 1-hit-kill enemies in a single punch and the Hacker’s ability to take over another teddy’s body.
Whether you want to take on the elite Landlord Conclave, dive into the Piranha Express, or hack into the Fluffnet, there are three oneshots for your messed up teddies to adventure in. You can back the Fluff n’ Fury Kickstarter right now, or download the one-page, simplified taster version for free, called Teddy Bear Holding a Freaking Machine Gun, on the Weird Place itch page.
For more recommendations, why not check out the best nerf guns to make your TRPG night all the more chaotic, or check out the best D&D books if those are more your thing.
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